Public Speaking & Storytelling Camp
Teaching your teen how to stand and deliver a speech or story with passion and confidence. How to take control and shine on stage. Breaking down text and learning how to make it come alive. Developing complex and compelling stories or speeches. Develop strong interviewing and public speaking skills. Foster creativity utilizing teamwork, listening skills, and friendship building. Understand your body language and how it also tells a story. Find out what makes you unique and powerful.
Dates and ages for
Public Speaking/Storytelling Camp are:
Ages- Jr. High to High School-
6th to 12th grades.
Time: 1 pm to 4 pm
Showcase Saturday, July 1st at 12 pm
Class Calendars
30 hours 3 hours a day for two weeks.
Actors get to show off their skills in a showcase
performance at the end of the two weeks.
Fee $150.00 | Sibling Discount $120.00 Per Student
***Only 12 spots
Download Class Calendars
Please send the completed paperwork